Lost Planet 2 – PS3
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Platform: PlayStation 3
Release Date: 07/05/2010
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Rated: Teen (13+) > Animated Blood > Language > Suggestive Themes > Violence
Players: 1-2; 16 Online
Availability: In Stock
Lost Planet 2 – PS3
The story takes place back on E.D.N. III 10 years after the events of the first game. The snow has melted to reveal jungles and more tropical areas that have taken the place of more frozen regions. The game will centre on the fictional corporation known as NEVEC (NEo-VEnus Construction) and their ongoing war to gain T-ENG (Thermal-ENerGy). Player(s) will assume control of a group of soldiers battling the Akrid: a race of large insects native to E.D.N. III. The Akrid have expanded their armies and return much more powerful in Lost Planet 2.
Step by step walkthrough for all six episodes!
Info-packed Basic Training and Multiplayer chapters to teach you how to achieve godlike battlefield supremacy!
Expert boss strategies!
Labelled area maps!
Detailed coverage on weapons, Vital Suits and Akrids!
Beautiful art gallery and interviews with the development team!
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