MG sells new gaming consoles, accessories and games.
MG repair's all PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo consoles and Accessories.
We buy Used / Dead gaming consoles.
MG rents consoles Ps5, Xbox One, Ps4 Games.
Exchange ur old consoles to new updated consoles.
Play Ps5, XboxOne or Ps4 @ our gaming arena
Games we sold
Consoles Sold
Active Gamers
PS- Xbox-NS
Meesh Games® began in 1999 as a gaming unit named Cyber Corner Gaming Center. In January 2009, Meesh Games® became an independent company to bring out technical and hardware services of gaming consoles to customers, and then in January 2012, we have expanded from “services” to “sales and services” with the strategic objective to grow the company further.
Best console repairs shop in Bangalore the home of professional console repairs. We repair a wide range of game consoles such as Playstation 5 [Ps5] :: Nintendo Switch :: Playstation 4 [Ps4] :: Xbox ONE Series X/S :: Playstation 3 [Ps3] :: Xbox 360 :: Playstation 2 :: Portable Playstation [PSP] :: Nintendo Wii, and Adaptors. Over a half decade, above thousands game console repairs with large number of satisfactory customers, we are in Bangalore, India to fix your console problems, replace parts, console service according to manufacturer settings.