Assassins Creed Shadows

PlayStation 5 / 4 * Xbox X/s

Assassin’s Creed


A New Stealth Philosophy
"Stealth gameplay in Shadows has been ambitiously overhauled in a few key areas," says Simon. "First, the most obvious change for AC players will be the lack of a companion eagle allowing you to scout ahead and map out an entire location. In Shadows, players must rely on their main character's own senses and engage enemies in a more tactical moment-to-moment manner."

Both Naoe and Yasuke have access to the new Observe mechanic, which delivers a fast and easy way to toggle additional information on screen.

Observe allows you to identify targets, tag and monitor enemies, and highlight lootable stashes, collectables, and quest objectives. While on a Synch Point, it also allows for close examination of nearby locations.

Naoe has access to the classic Assassin's Creed Eagle Vision, which allows her to highlight the position of enemies hidden behind walls and other objects and isolate any relevant sounds they make. Eagle Vision is a more dedicated stealth mechanic, encouraging Naoe to slow down and take a moment to better visualize her enemies and relevant gameplay objects - including hiding spots.

For the first time in the Assassin's Creed series, hiding in the shadows will make you invisible to enemies. During nighttime, any pocket of shadows becomes a dynamic hiding spot in which you can progress without being seen. This applies to both interiors and exteriors.

While Naoe is fast, sprinting while you're attempting to be stealthy in a highly populated environment can be risky. The sound of footsteps will alert guards, who will spot you almost instantaneously. In general, standing up increases your "visibility," so this is where crouching comes into play. Naoe can move quite slowly while in a crouch, with the sound of her footsteps considerably reduced. 

Naoe and Yasuke are the first protagonists able to go prone in the series. Going prone reduces your "visibility" to enemies even further, whether on the ground, on rooftops, or underwater.

Assassins Creed With Eagle
# Following the release of

Assassins Creed - Shadows!

Naoe doesn't have to rely on her stealthy moves alone. She has four primary tools at her disposal to help ensure a quick kill or getaway:

  • Smoke bomb: A classic Assassin tool that creates a cloud of smoke, allowing you to escape or assassinate low-rank enemies without being seen.
  • Shinobi Bells: The perfect tool to distract enemies. By throwing a bell, you can lure guards away from their posts or create an opportunity to sneak past them.
  • Kunai: Kunai are extremely sharp throwing knives that deal a lot of damage and can result in one-shot kills when aimed with precision.
  • Shuriken: Shuriken are sharp, star-shaped throwing weapons that momentarily stun enemies, and are even more useful when thrown into the environment to cause distractions.

"Naoe is our smallest Assassin to date" says Simon. "And she uses that to her advantage: she can squeeze through tiny wall cracks, and she can hide inside small storage spaces and boxes in order to get the drop on her enemies."

We know that players are always looking for efficiency in their stealth runs, and this is why we are bringing back Double Assassinations in Assassin's Creed Shadows. By equipping the Tanto as one of your main weapons and unlocking the dedicated skill, you can eliminate two enemies standing next to each other at once with your Hidden Blade - whether on the ground or from the air.

While undetected, you can briefly grab and drag enemies in any direction to silently assassinate or take them down non-lethally. This grab mechanic removes some of the automation we've had in the series before. "In Shadows, if you want to assassinate someone from a stalking bush you have to manually grab them, pull them in, and only then can you dispatch them".

While you have plenty of ways to hide and eliminate your targets, enemies will respond in ways that will make your life more difficult when you make mistakes. Servants, for example, are a new type of non-lethal enemy that will alert guards upon seeing you. While they can't fight, their ability to call for reinforcements and raise alarms make them just as threatening as enemies who can. Servants have their own patrol routes, so it's important to keep tabs on them. When using Eagle Vision, they will stand out by appearing in orange.

See how Naoe and Yasuke use stealth and combat to take down Nijo Palace..

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is just two weeks away and in anticipation of its March 20 launch on PS5, Good gameplay showing Naoe and Yasuke infiltrating Nijo Palace, the castle complex (also known as a tenshu) in Kyoto, a major city in the larger region of Yamashiro..

Meesh Games

Assassin’s Creed Shadows will have two separate versions:

March 20, 2025:


  • Assassin’s Creed Shadows Standard Edition


  • Assassin’s Creed Shadows Deluxe Edition 


Assassin's Creed



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